ReBeca Drury, BS, MA, ND Owner & Founder

ReBeca (Dr. D) is a veteran of 40+ years in the field of athletic performance, fitness, health, and wellness. As a former Physical Education Teacher, a Track & Field/Cross Country athlete and coach, she is a big fan of play therapy; has been practicing yoga for over 20 yrs; has been a yoga teacher for almost 20 years; and has developed her own brand of yoga, Hot Mix Yoga™️.

ReBeca has been practicing natural health consultation since 2006 as a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) and is certified by the American Naturopathic Certification Board.  Her consultations include a comprehensive approach to health, wellness, and happiness, using nutrition, rest, physical activity, and lifestyle as the 4 foundational pillars.

A tireless student of her craft and life, ReBeca is in constant pursuit of innovations in natural health, be that the latest energetic device; or break-through science related to nutrition, metabolism, and physical activity; or a deeper dive into yoga. And because she recognizes that every body is different, ReBeca likes to have many “tools in her tool belt” of wellness, and so offers many approaches. 

ReBeca is a Level III Premier Research Labs QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis) practitioner, which is the use of kinesiological muscle testing for nutrition and health. QRA is a “test, don’t guess” methodology, and Premier Research Labs is the pristine line of nutritional/botanical supplements ReBeca uses in her practice.

Additionally, she is a Certified Primal Blueprint Health Coach, which taps into ancestral health as the model for modern living, and is an INSANITY Certified Instructor.

Most recently, ReBeca has become “safety” certified in FeetUp Training, which as she calls “Upside Down” Therapy, intended to enable inversions for spinal traction, without the stress on the head and neck.

ReBeca considers it her mission and passion to educate others on how to make the most of everyday in order to maximize natural health, and hence optimize opportunities for happiness. This is how “bwellbhappy” was born! Her philosophy is the “key to happiness is balance." And if one is truly committed to their wellness, balance will come and happiness will ensue!

ReBeca has a no-nonsense approach to setting realistic goals and charting a clear path toward achievement of those. She helps one identify his/her strengths and gifts, and then leverage those into success. She is firm in her view that responsibility of one’s health falls solely upon the individual. So, in a way, you can say she is an “Empowerment Specialist." She will empower you on the challenging and rewarding journey toward being well and happy.

ReBeca is a wife, mother of 2 adult sons, a grandmother, and the Queen of the Red Army, her four red Standard Poodles! She enjoys the outdoors, being with friends, playing guitar, singing, songwriting, and champagne!

ReBeca Drury, ND

Founder of Bwellbhappy